Regulate: A 3 Day Journey Into the Nervous System

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get discounted lifetime access to the entire recording bunding of the REGULATE Workshop.

REGULAR: $197  $33 NOW

Includes all 3 Days of Nervous System Teachings, Practices, and Facilitation you can keep, forever. 


This is for you if:


  • You’ve done all the manifestation practices, affirmations, journaling, & still feel like there’s something blocking you from calling in the big things you desire
  • You feel burnt out, exhausted, and depleted from constant hustle culture
  • You blame yourself (and beat yourself up) for not being able to just “execute” all the time
  • Despite knowing what many of your limiting beliefs and childhood programming are, you still find yourself repeating old habits and patterns 
  • You desire to create your dreams from a place of ease, abundance, and flow
  • You want to feel more ALIVE and lit up by life 
  • You know your next step of greatness will be embodying an entirely new energy, frequency, and vibration (and you’re willing to be challenged in a new way to get to the root) 


Imagine what would be possible if:

You woke up every day feeling an aliveness for life, with an ease to create what you desire because you trust yourself to the core of your being. You knew with complete certainty that you can fully handle all of life's ups and downs, because you have such a deep connection to your own inner knowing that nothing can take you off your path. You are surrendered to life as it flows, your body feels grounded and calm, and your creativity has flourished as if you were a kid again. As a result, your relationships have deepened, your bank account has expanded, and your vitality has returned as if you’re 10 years younger.

The best part? You didn’t hustle for ANY OF IT.

You realize there’s an entirely new way of operating you didn’t even feel was possible, and yet, your entire reality is re-orienting because you see there’s a new and better way.

You realize anything is possible from a regulated nervous system.


DAY ONE: What is regulation?

  • We’ll dive deep into why regulating your nervous system is the missing key to creating a life that feels just as good as it looks. In day one, you’ll learn the foundations of the nervous system – and how regulation is the foundation for the success you’re craving.

DAY TWO: Where are you dysregulated?

  • Learn where you are dysregulated and how it’s affecting your life (hint: there may be some hidden places holding you back that you aren’t even aware of!). In day two, we will discover the simple tweaks you can begin making in your life right now that will immediately help you shift into a life of ease and flow.

DAY THREE: Expanding Your Life

  • Expand your capacity to receive what you’re calling in, and actually be able to HOLD it all. In day three, we’ll tap into the abundance that is meant for you, and teach you exactly how to FEEL it in your nervous system in order to RECEIVE it.


This THREE DAY WORKSHOP is valued at $297.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get discounted lifetime access to the entire recording bunding of the REGULATE Workshop.

REGULAR: $197  $33 NOW

Includes all 3 Days of Nervous System Teachings, Practices, and Facilitation you can keep, forever.


Life feels magical again.

You ready, babe?



$33.00 USD